There’s nothing like playing a board or card game to see the true side of your friends, and now there’s a new game making its way about the party zeitgeist. The Voting Game, which was backed on Kickstarter, has a slightly different take on the type of game that’s based on interpersonal insight of the participants. Apples to Apples has a similar feel, but The Voting Game won’t leave you stuck with lame cards that don’t fit the round. Too many times in Apples to Apples I’ve been trying to figure out how to group weird things. Does ‘Creepy’ fit best with Hobos or Adam Sandler?

The Voting Game seems to purge out a little of the monotony I experience with Apples to Apples, and it’s paced a little faster. I won’t explain the rules here, because I’m sure there are plenty of play thru’s on YouTube. Some of the cards get a good reaction from the crew I play with, while others get skipped because they’re not really applicable to the group. Speaking of the group, that’s what really determines how good of a time you’ll have playing it. If there are some in the group that have only just met the others playing, it’s likely they won’t receive votes on “Who would fail a 7-grade math test if they took right now?”. Most playing will likely pick people they know the best. And that pattern occurs very often. In my experience, people in the group more inclined to be introverted within an unfamiliar group will suffer not getting enough votes. Of course, if someone were playing just to get votes to gain points, I’d say they’re doing it wrong.

The group you’re playing with definitely will effect how good of a time you’ll have playing The Voting Game. If ever you have an opportunity, I’d say it’s worth a go.